Community Hub Team Lead

Ko Ngāti Maniapoto ko Ngāti Tūwharetoa ko Ngāti Raukawa ngā Iwi.

Born and bred in Whanganui-a-Tara, Toni has seen many changes in the growth and diversity of our city and surrounding suburbs. Watching her own young adult rangatahi growing up here with their friends, sees the importance of supporting the new growing generation and what their impact will bring. So, joining the BGI team has been an especially exciting move.

Connecting with Parents, caregivers, mentors, and mentees of the Challenge for Change programme has been a special highlight. A community bonding together providing connection and support for one another is always a bonus.

Currently as a student at Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Toni has found that connecting back into Te Ao Māori perspectives in her Kaitiakitanga Pūtaiao studies, gives a stronger grounding in her approach in manaakitanga for the team and whānau she works with, a crucial backbone in going forward in our ever-changing world.

To my younger self - Reach out to people you respect for guidance. The right person will eventually guide you. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or ask questions no matter how silly you think they may be. Find your passion and follow your dream!

Toni is also the administrator for the Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi courses we host.


Ross Davis


Mary Major