Kura Wānanga

The Kura Wānanga is a Māori-led leadership series designed by Māori, for Māori, and of Māori. Kahukura and Kuini lead this kaupapa, alongside Te Rehia and other dedicated volunteer tuakana. They collaborate to deliver this transformative experience in Wellington high schools. Rooted in their Praxis, Tuia, and BGI learnings, they pass on their whakaaro and mātauranga to young Māori like them. 

 This Kaupapa focuses on elevating year 12 and 13 rangatahi Māori. We aim to nurture their connection to, and understanding of, their identity - their whakapapa and Māoritanga. The  goal is to grow resilient, capable young leaders with the skills to make generous and substantial contributions to their whānau, iwi, hapū, hāpori, and kura. Within this kaupapa, both teina and tuakana form meaningful connections with one another that have long lasting significance.

 The impact of Kura Wānanga is evident, with one teina saying it was the first time she felt proud to be Māori. For our tuakana, this is what its all about.  

 Location: Wellington high schools and other significant sites 

 Schedule: Three wānanga sessions throughout the school year, along with monthly catch-ups (School calendar dependant).

For more information, please get in touch today!


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